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MZed Cinema Sound by Mark Edward Lewis TUTORIAL

MZed Cinema Sound by Mark Edward Lewis TUTORIAL

MZed Cinema Sound by Mark Edward Lewis TUTORIAL

In this detailed course, seasoned audio guru Mark Edward Lewis guides you through every aspect of sound that you’ll ever need to know as a filmmaker. Recording, dialogue, sound effects, foley, ADR, mixing, fixing – it’s all here for you to master in the most comprehensive audio-for-film series ever created.

Total Time:

86h 28m


  • Recording: Process, Perfection, and Purpose
  • Recording: Rules of Recording
  • Recording: Microphones & Other Weapons
  • Recording: Lavaliers and Other Munitions
  • Recording: Sonic Booms & Advanced Microphone T…
  • Recording: Recorders, Roll Sound, Now What?
  • Recording: Solving Issues on Set – An Antholog…
  • Recording: The Review
  • Recording: Shoot the Scenes
  • How Microphones are Made
  • Edit: Advanced Editing I
  • Edit: Advanced Editing II
  • Edit: Advanced Editing III
  • Edit: Final Edit
  • Edit: Export
  • Edit: SFX Editing Basics
  • Fix: Resurrecting Dead Audio Basics
  • Fix: Killing the Noise and Artifacts I
  • Fix: Killing the Noise and Artifacts II
  • Fix: Advanced Dialogue Cleanup I
  • Fix: Advanced Dialogue Cleanup II
  • Fix: Multiple Issues, Multiple Solutions
  • Fix: Dialogue to the Cleaners I
  • Fix: Dialogue to the Cleaners II
  • Fix: Dialogue to the Cleaners III
  • Fix: ADR Recording & Revolution
  • Fix: ADR Mixing
  • Fix: Dialogue Editing, Mixing & Export I
  • Fix: Dialogue Editing, Mixing & Export II
  • Fix: Dialogue Editing, Mixing & Export III
  • Fix: Killing the Noise & Artifacts in Adobe Au…
  • Effects: An Intro to Sound Effects
  • Effects: Foley, Folks and Fun
  • Effects: Tips, Tricks and Terror
  • Effects: Loop Groups
  • Effects: Sound Effects Recording
  • Effects: Advanced Microphone Techniques
  • Effects: Basic Crunching of Recorded SFX
  • Effects: Advanced Crunching of Recorded SFX
  • Effects: Misusing Software for the Best Result…
  • Effects: The Art of Layering SFX
  • Effects: Ambiences
  • Music: Music, Emotion and Moving Pictures
  • Music: Choosing the Right Music
  • Music: Choosing the Right Music II
  • Music: Music Editing
  • Music: Music Editing II
  • Music: Working with the Composer
  • Music: The Process of Writing Music
  • Music: Better & Best Examples In Scenes
  • Mix: The Basics of Being a Master Mixer
  • Mix: Master of Plugin Effects I (Reverb)
  • Mix: Master of Plugin Effects II (Delay Effect…
  • Mix: Master of Plugin Effects III (Special Eff…
  • Mix: Master of Plugin Effects IV (Dynamic Effe…
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Dialog I (Basics)
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Dialog II (ENG & Donuts Mi…
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Dialog III (Action Mix)
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Dialog IV (Macbeth Mix)
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Dialog V (Beach Mix)
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Ambiences I (ENG & Action …
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Ambiences II (Donuts, Macb…
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Sound Effects
  • Mix: Master Mixer: Foley I (Macbeth Mix)
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Foley II (Action Mix)
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Foley III (Donuts, ENG & B…
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Music I (Theory & Macbeth …
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Music II (Donuts, ENG, Bea…
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Integrate and Tweeze I (EN…
  • Mix: Master Mixer – Integrate and Tweeze II (A…
  • Mix: Conform & Control Yourself
  • Mix: Mastering & Export
  • Mix: Downmixing, Organization & Cheating
  • Mix: The Mixing Breakdown
  • Mix: Internet Mixing, Loudness & Cheating
  • Workspace: Home Studio – Basics
  • Workspace: Home Studio – Advanced Knowledge
  • Inspiration: Inspiration, Vocation & Dedicatio…
  • Inspiration: Examples to Inspire


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